
We seek to provide people with hopeful possibility by compelling them toward a Divine reality inherent within all things.


Our Mission

We seek to embody the themes and messages of Jesus which affirm all people through the mystery of the Universal Christ inherent within all things.

We find that seeking STORY empowers our WONDER and compels us toward ACTION.


Story is about seeking. About paying attention and witnessing the world. The beauty and the pain. The way the Divine is painting and playing and dancing and revealing all around us. In the words of Brian Doyle, “There is a story in everything, and every being, and every moment, were we alert to catch it, were we ready with our tender nets; indeed there are a hundred, a thousand stories, uncountable stories, could they only be lured out and appreciated; and more and more now I realize that what I thought was a skill only for authors and pastors and doctors and dream-diviners is the greatest of all human skills, the one that allows us into the heart and soul and deepest layers of our companions on the brief sunlit road between great dark wildernesses.” In this sense, story, to us is a name synonymous with the Divine. To seek story is to seek spirit.


Wonder is taking time to be with those stories, to hear and to listen. To let attentiveness turn into intention. It’s asking curious questions about what we have witnessed. As Mary Oliver says, I don't know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention.

Wonder is inviting curiosity into our psyche. Regarding the beauty and also the pain. Wonder is a leaning-in. With a willingness to unfurl and grow and expand our perception.


Action is about embodiment. It’s about giving ourselves to a cause. About taking our little cup and pouring it into the river of equity-based action. Lots of people jump to action before seeking the story and asking the wonder based curious questions. But action in step with Christ / the Divine / flow, we believe, is based in deep-rooted understanding and conviction. We seek to have our action rooted in story and wonder. As Richard Rohr says, Jesus came to show us how to be human much more than how to be spiritual. Our action is deeply rooted in the intersection of our humanity and our divinity.

Ultimately, we believe that being attentive to the stories around us, asking wonder-based curious questions about them, and then taking action based on that intention, is the way in which we best inhabit the Christ inherent within us.