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All These Branches

A story-catching, wonder-seeking, action-taking, brewery-hanging, river-centric, frog-loving spirit community!

Gathering the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 9am.

1526 e 11th ave 99202

We seek to provide people with hopeful possibility by compelling them toward a Divine reality inherent within all things.

We seek to embody the themes and messages of Jesus which affirm all people* through the mystery of the Universal Christ inherent within all things.

We find that STORY empowers us toward WONDER and leads us to ACTION.

*Yeah, all. All gender-identities, sexual orientations, race, color, creed, etc

The wider and more colorful humanity becomes, the more vibrant and vital life we get to experience. Bring on that tie-dye consciousness, y’all!

You are safe to be you here.

If your experience does not reflect this and if you are willing, please let us know HERE so we can identify our blind spots.

Our Community

Ask anyone who attends an All These Branches event what we are and you’ll get as many different stories. For some, we’re a church. For others, we’re a safe space to spend a few hours being our authentic selves. And yet for others, we’re not entirely sure, but we keep wanting to show up to see what happens next.

We’d love to have you join us!

Acknowledging the land we meet on

All These Branches would like to acknowledge that the land we gather on is the historical home of the Kootenai, Spokane, cda tribes. The ancestors of these First Nations people lived on this land for hundreds of years prior to the construction of this church, caring for and living in balance with the landscape. At All These Branches, we are committed to learning from, supporting, and elevating the voices of First Nations individuals in order to work in collaboration to restore what our presence as a predominantly European, institutional religious system destructed through our occupation of their land. We seek to look to our First Nations counterparts for guidance and wisdom in that pursuit.